old asp: connection strings

1. a connection string for ms access:
    con.open "provider=microsft.jet.oledb.4.0;
                    data source=c:\emp.mdb;
                    user id=admin;

2. connection string for sqlserver
                    data sourace=; ' ip address or computer name
                    initial catalog=empdata; 'this is the database name
                    user id=sa;password=xxxxxx;
                    integrated security=SSPI;
                    persist security info=False;"

3. connection stariang  to use a text file as database in vb6?
                              data source=c:\emp.txt;
                              extended properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=delimited"""

4. connection string in vb6 for using ms access  and app.math:
str="provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data sourace=" & app.path * "\emp.mdb;
       persist security info=flase"

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