XML Basics

1. what is xml?
    It stands for extended markup language
    it is a general purpose data storge system
    it is an open standard.

2. Then can I use xml instead of oracle?
   xml is good for small amount of data
   xml will search but it cannot do random search
   xml is sequential storage medium.

3. What is xml parser?
    If your program has to use the data in an xml file,
    then xml parser is used to get the data & datastructure from the xml file.

4. can you tell the history of xml?
   IBM developed GML(generalized markup language) to handle the data in documents.
   Based on GML, an open standard was developed. it is SGML(Standard GML)
   SGML is too much complex. Hence Mr.Tim Berley-Lee developed HTML.
   But HTML is maily useful for formatting and reading. 
   Heace, from SGML a small language came out. it is xml.

5. who designed xml?
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